Give us Scotland

We long to see a vibrant, worshipping, witnessing Christian community in every location and network in Scotland.

We long for our nation once again to come to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

Give us Scotland

We long to see a vibrant, worshipping, witnessing Christian community in every location and network in Scotland.

We long for our nation once again to come to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

Give us Scotland Vision

God is at work in Scotland. He has not forgotten us. He longs for every woman and man, every young person and child to hear and respond to his message of loving relationship. In his letter, Peter explains…

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

We all know about the massive decline in the church across Scotland. We know that there are villages and towns with no church. Huge rural areas and large swathes of our cities are lacking any Christian witness.


Although this is a painful experience, we believe that God is working out his purposes. We believe that he has a plan to see the good news spread throughout Scotland again.

Together with our partners in the Christian denominations over the next 20 years, Cairn Movement are seeking to see a new church planted into every area where there is no Gospel witness.

That is why we are committed to identifying, training and supporting individuals and groups across Scotland who have heard the call of God to start a church plant in their location or network.

4 Ways to Give

Give Us £5

Just a few pounds a month can make a huge difference to see a vibrant church in every community and network in Scotland.


GUS 2024

Commit to supporting GUS for 24months at £20 per month so that we can train and support 10 new church plants each year.

GUS Partner

Become a GUS Partner by giving £100/75/50 a month – this will cover the full costs of training a Church Planter.

Cairn Builder

Become a Cairn Builder by give a one-off gift of £10k. This will pay full costs for training, supporting and launching a new church plant this year.

Gospel Partners

What we need are Gospel Partners for this work. We need those who will pray, give and act.

“ 3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. “

Phil 1:3-6 NIV


We know that this is a sovereign work of God and so our first priority is to pray. Would you join us as we cry out to the Lord “Give us Scotland”?


We need people who are willing to invest in this Kingdom venture. We believe that we can see a new church launched for between £10-15k. Would you be willing to give a one off gift to see a church launched? Or perhaps you can give monthly, knowing that you are building up the resources to make this happen?


We believe that this call is also to action – for those of you who are ready to hear the call to be missionaries to your family, friends, neighbours and networks. Would you be willing to be trained to start a new church in your context?

The Greatest Message of Hope in the World

The Good News of Jesus continues to be the greatest message of hope and life in the world. God is continuing to offer new life through Christ to all who put their trust in him. The Gospel message continues to transform lives and communities.

“Real Christian communities must transform their communities.”

The spiritual harvest is greater now than it has been for decades. The BBC survey  in August 2021 points to a resurgence of spiritual engagement and enquiry among the under 35s. The issue is not the harvest.

“The Church, in various guises, has lost its focus on reaching out and making disciples of Jesus.”

This can and is changing. Over the last 20 years, through our partnership with Forge Scotland (now an integrated part of Cairn) we have trained over 260 women and men who have gone on to establish over 150 new churches, mission projects,

“Kingdom” businesses and charities that have taken the gospel to the marketplace.

Watch some videos of what we have already seen happening across Scotland

The Charter


Imagine Bakery and Prayer Space Dundee

The Charter


Imagine Bakery and Prayer Space Dundee

What is already happening?

In 2022-23 a consortium of Christian funders created a seed-funding starter pot to allow us to pilot the Give us Scotland project. We are so grateful for their support. This money is only for the pilot year running to summer 2024. We are now seeking support for 2024-2025 and beyond. Our goal is to raise £50k per year from individuals and churches who want to invest in reaching Scotland.

People celebrating