Starting a New Church, Kingdom Business or Community Project?
What Stage are You at?
Not Started/Just Beginning?
Are you right at the beginning – perhaps you have an idea of starting a new mission project but don’t know where to start? Then the Pioneer Intro Online course offered by the Forge team is the place to start. You can gain insight, training and input from experienced practitioners.
If you are just wanting to come and have a look then why not come and find us at these events.
Ready for Training?
Forge is now an integrated offering of Cairn Movement.
The Forge Pioneer course is our main training offering. It is run each year starting in September and is aimed at moving individuals and teams from “concept to reality”. In other words by the end of the year participants who come with a missional idea will have it up and running by the following summer as a new missional project or church plant.
Forge Scotland and Forge Ireland have trained 300+ people for 20+ years who have gone on to start 180+ new mission projects and plant churches.
Already Started?
As pioneers running with our vision before it is fully formed comes naturally. As we go though, we can discover some gaps. If you have started but are realising there are some areas that you hadn’t thought of up front don’t worry! We have the right blend of training, coaching and support for you. Email to book a call with Lynsey to chat through the best options for you.
Needing Support?
Have you been going for a while with your project, but you really could do with an external perspective and some help along the way?
Cairn offer small online coached groups called “circles” which are lead by experienced practitioner coaches. We offer different types of circles – some are to support people in the first year(s) of leading a new plant / project. Others are focused on developing your own spiritual formation as a leader. Others help people develop their 5-fold (Eph 4:11) gifting.
If you would like to find out what is available and which would best suit you then contact Scott (our Community Builder).
Do you need support to see breakthrough locally and gather momentum?
Cairn Movement has Breakthrough Teams available to help you. Breakthrough Teams are short term mission team from within the Cairn network who can bring breakthrough in the local context by helping with outreach, team recruitment and local training. If this is something that you would like to find out more about contact Julie.
Book a 30 minute appointment with Lynsey, Julie or Scott to discover where you best fit
“I love how partnership speaks of unity and the Kingdom of God and I’m delighted that DNA is in partnership with Forge. We have had trainees do the Forge year as part of their second year programme with us. The teaching is focused and excellent. We need together to raise up new leaders for a new generation of church planting in Scotland that explores a new approach to church and mission. I am convinced that under God Forge and DNA might play a part in this exciting challenge and I commend them to you.”
Pete Gilert
“Attending the Forge Scotland Pioneer course was one of the most significant periods in my discipleship journey. A unique opportunity to discover how you can participate more effectively in the plans God has for you. The Forge Scotland Pioneer course is an intense period of teaching, thinking, challenge, encouragement, mentoring, spirituality and discipleship thanks to a team with diverse gifts and approaches but who are all passionate about the Kingdom and how we can serve it better.”