I love positive people. People who say “yes”. Cairn is full of people who say “yes”!
I am excited about the future. I am definitely a leadership optimist. The glass is definitely half full! I believe that one of the greatest gifts that we can give each other today is to have a positive and hope-filled approach to the future.
I like people who come with solutions rather than problems. I love creative people who dream up whole new ways of being and doing. The catalysts, who immediately begin to pull people together, to discover a way forward that excites and energises everyone in the room. The resource finders who discover that what we need for a new future is already at hand.
At Cairn we believe that leadership is about empowering others, speaking blessing, finding ways to say “yes”.
Creative Mission Released
I have spent the last 20 years working in Forge Scotland and now in Cairn Movement with these kinds of people. I have found that they are people that often come with a deep sense of humility, not even being sure that God has really spoken to them, and yet still being willing to offer themselves. I have been privileged to hear their wonderful, creative, life-changing ideas about what could be. I have watched as God nurtures the tiny flames of an idea into a blazing fire. It is such a joy to be part of this kind of network of missional practitioners.
As a church in Scotland, we face huge challenges at the moment, but I am excited about the future. It is easy to be negative, critical and cynical. At Cairn we want our default to be “Yes”.

We Have Hope
We believe that Jesus is the hope of our world. His message of hope, life, and love fuels our mission. We see a growing hunger for the transformative good news he offers, and we are confident in the body of Christ’s ability to reach our nations. Yet, we recognise this is a collective effort—it will take the whole body of Christ to collaborate and move forward.
At Cairn Movement, we believe in equipping people for the ever-evolving circumstances of today’s world. We seek to offer pathways to help you achieve your larger Kingdom mission. Together, we aim to foster loving, worshipping, and witnessing Kingdom communities in every locality and network across Scotland.

Join us
We are looking to partner with people who believe that God is more than able, people who want to lean into the things of God, people who have given their “yes” to Jesus, even before they hear the question.
Would you like to come and join us?
Alan McWilliam
Cairn Team Lead