A Network of Missional Practitioners

Supporting a vibrant Christian community in every location and network in Scotland and Ireland.

A Network of Missional Practitioners

Supporting a vibrant Christian community in every location and network in Scotland and Ireland.

Daring to believe

God is at work in our nation! Despite the challenges and the difficulties in the church, we are a network of people who are daring to believe this truth.

We are working with people like you to help create a new future – a future where there is a vibrant, worshipping, witnessing church community in every locality and network in our country.

Together, we are seeing new churches and mission projects launched and existing churches growing again, making disciples and reaching out in mission.

Join Cairn as we dare to believe that the message of Jesus can be heard and seen again in our nation.

Let’s go together

Cairn loves to work collaboratively with others to support creative and innovative missional initiatives.

We help support

  • Church Plants
  • Transforming existing churches
  • Missional projects
  • Kingdom businesses
  • Charities

Let’s go together on adventures in the Kingdom of God.

Limitless possibilities

For over 20 years in Scotland and Ireland we have seen countless churches being revitalised, and new churches and mission projects reaching those who as yet don’t know Christ. When God leads, we believe that there are limitless possibilities of how he will use his church to bring hope and transformation to individuals, families, communities and whole nations.

Join our list to be the first to know about gatherings.


Select one (or both) of our downloads to read about real community journeys of change.

Here are stories of others who have started something new

These are stories of churches that are growing disciples and moving out in mission

Our Blog

Are you Busy?

Are you Busy?

Occasionally people will say to me “I know you are busy….but” and the sentence normally ends with a request for my...

read more

Who we work with

We work in collaboration with a number of Christian organisations and denominations. We are always seeking to partner with more, so if you would like to have a conversation about working together please get in touch

What others think

The feedback we receive from people who have attended our courses or event, has been overwhelmingly positive. People from all types of church traditions and backgrounds have been equipped and energised for the next phase of their missional walk.


“I have had the privilege of working with Cairn through my role in church leadership and through my role with Kyria. I have found Cairn to be a helpful, supportive and collaborative network who are keen to champion, endorse and work with others to build the church through Scotland. Working with others, like Cairn, to increase unity is instrumental for the mission of God to grow, pioneers to be released and transformation to take place.”

Odele Harding
National Leader, Kyria Scotland


“I have greatly appreciated the input of Cairn over the years. This is a movement unashamedly missional and pioneering in its posture, something that the church in the UK and Ireland desperately needs to be as we navigate the waters of post-Christendom. Not just is the training Cairn provides excellent, but the team are particularly adept at creating environments of learning that help to spark both thinking and practice, something that I know has benefitted my ministry, the church I serve and many other leaders I know.”

Rick Hill
Secretary, Council for Mission in Ireland Presbyterian Church in Ireland

People celebrating